Copado Winter’20 Release Functionalities

Hariprasath Thanarajah
7 min readMar 2, 2020

Copado has introduced some new functionalities and some improvements in their existing features/ functionalities as well through their Copado Winter’ 20 Release. In this blog post, I am going to explain these features with the snapshots.

The followings are the features and improvement of Copado 20 Release

  1. Copaodo Continuous Delivery
  2. Advanced-Data Deploy
  3. Copado CLI
  4. Deployment Wizard
  5. UX Enhancements

Copado Continuous Delivery

It accelerates the process of verifying, deploying & releasing Salesforce metadata across all the environment.

  • It allows delivering changes to production in a quick, safe and sustainable way.

If we want to enable the Copado Continuous Delivery features like automated deployments, back promotions or quality gates then we must create the connection behaviors to define the behaviors we want per environment or the environment connection.

We can define the behaviors of connections between environments in order to schedule or automate deployments and back promotions or implement quality gates such as validations, compliance scans or selenium tests.

List of quality gates

  • Apex Test with Validation
  • Compliance check
  • Manual Approval
  • Manual Test
  • Pull Request
  • Selenium Test
  • Static Code Analysis
  • Validation

The appearance of pipeline and pipeline configuration pages has been improved, and it now updates US count, deployment statuses in real-time and can see the last deployment status in the pipeline with different symbols.


The existing features will never get changed after upgrade to the Winter ’20 version until we configure the Copado Continuous Delivery feature like automated deployment, back promotion or quality gates.

So, we can adopt this feature gradually as we’re ready!!!!

How can we configure the Copado Continuous Delivery?

We can use the dynamic pipeline editor to configure the pipeline and create connection behavior to increase the velocity and the quality of the release.

App Launcher -> Pipeline manager ->

The Copado Pipeline
The parts of the Pipeline

Click Configure Pipeline ->

Configure Pipeline
Pipeline Connection

Click the Connection behavior (Shield symbol of the above image) -> Fill the Behaviors for Deployment and Back Promotion

Connection Behavior

Configure the Quality gates for a connection ->

Before that need to create the Metadata Group record to assign for the Quality gates.

All set, what is next?

Create the US and commit the changes from the lower environment. Click the submit button from the User Story record page to use the CCD.

The deployment will happen according to the configuration of the connection behaviors of the environments.

If we configure the deployment behavior as automatic the deployment from the lower env to Prod will happen automatically and the back promotion will happen on a scheduled date like at the weekend.

Copado CLI

It’s a Salesforce CLI plugin that allows you to execute Copaodo related tasks from a terminal and leverage Git and sfdx commands, Agile tools.

  • Insert sfdx plugin:install @copado/copado-cli to install the copado plugin.
  • Link the Salesforce CLI with the Coapdo CLI using sfdx copado:auth:set -u [org credential that we have already authenticated in Copado]. We can use the sfdx force:auth:web:login to authenticate the org where we have installed Copado.

Follow the following article to set up the Intellij + Illumination Cloud, Git source, sandbox source.

CLI commands can be found in the following article


Before implementing the Copado CLI, the developer needs to understand the branching concepts of GIT and the difference between the GIT source and the Sandbox source, otherwise, they might just pull the additional changes of the others from the org and directly commit to those changes using the Copado.

Deployment Wizard

This one allows us to easily deploy our changes through the environments in our pipeline.

We can move changes,

  • Using a single metadata deployment OR
  • Select an advanced deployment with several deployment steps
  • In addition to this, we can choose to deploy from an SF org or a Git Commit.

Go to the Deployments tab and click the New button to create a deployment.

Deployment Wizard

Then click Metadata Deployment -> Start Deployment Setup

Give a name to Deployment -> We can select the source as either Salesforce Org or Git,

When select source as Salesforce Org,

We can see the Org credentials in a table, we can search and choose the org to do the deployment.

Select One org -> Confirm Source

Select the Target and click the Confirm Target button

In the above step, we can select the metadata to deploy, in addition to that, we can compare the orgs before deploying the changes by clicking the Compare button for each metadata.

We can select the Test Level, can able to Validate the Deployment and can Start the Deployment. So everything we can do from a single wizard-like above.

Click the Start Deployment button,

In the end, we will get a summary of the deployment with the detailed explanation like below. We can create another deployment or can close the deployment wizard.

When select source as GIT,

We can see the Git commits in a table, we can search and choose the commit to do the deployment -> Click the Confirm Git Commit button.

Select the Target and click the Confirm Target button

Follow the same steps as above.

There is another way we can use this by clicking Advanced (Multi-Step) [Technical knowledge needed to do this deployment] -> Start Deployment Setup

Fill and save the record to add the destination org.

In the above page itself, we can Add the Source Org, Destination Org, and Manual steps.

Explanation of the different types of Deployment

  • Metadata deployment — We can select the metadata manually to be deployed in a point and click process
  • Data deployment — Select a data template to deploy it following a wizard.
  • Advanced — Create multiple types of deployment steps. If you select this option, you will be redirected to the classic deployment page to continue with the deployment setup.

UX enhancements

  • Pipeline and Pipeline manager UI has changed
  • Merge conflict resolution panel — As you, all know that the Merge conflict resolution panel will appear when we have a merge conflict while doing the deployment. In the Winter 20 release, they have improved with two panels, three-panel interfaces to easily navigate the conflicts and fix them.
  • Metadata grid update — We can now have an additional filtering option to filter the metadata. The following are the new addition of filters,

Last modified by, Last modified date, Created by, Created date & also, can filter with the operators like empty, not empty, …….

Advanced-Data deploy

This enhanced feature is helping us to deploy a data set to a destination org with the easy wizard tool with the minimum technical knowledge.

As a prerequisite, we will first need to create a data template and then deploy data. The data template is a configuration file that defines a data structure that we want to migrate to SF org.

Create a data template

Data Deployment Wizard

Go and understand the Tool in Copado training org to do the Data deployment.

Please go through the following articles before trying these features

That’s it!!!

Create a playground in the Copado Success Community( and try these cool new features in the playground.





Hariprasath Thanarajah

8+ yrs of experience in Software Development and became a certified Salesforce Developer to develop end-to-end Salesforce features in Salesforce platform.